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How To Get Better At Warding League of Legends (2023 Complete Guide)

Warding is one of the most important aspects of League of Legends. It allows players to gather information about their opponents and prevent surprise attacks, making it a crucial component in any successful strategy. However, warding can be challenging for many players, especially those who are new to the game or have limited experience with its various mechanics.

If you’re looking to improve your warding skills in League of Legends, then you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll provide you with valuable tips and insights that will help you become better at warding league of legends.

Why warding is important in League of Legends?

Warding is a crucial aspect of playing League of Legends, and it can make or break games. Without proper vision on the map, players are susceptible to ganks from the enemy team, which can lead to losing objectives and ultimately losing the game. Warding allows players to keep tabs on enemy movements, making it easier to anticipate their actions and plan accordingly.

In addition, warding also helps players track the progress of neutral monsters like Baron Nashor and Dragon. These monsters provide valuable buffs that can help turn the tide of a game in favor of whichever team secures them. However, without proper vision around these areas, securing these objectives becomes much more difficult.

The basics of warding: Types of wards and their uses

Warding is an essential aspect of League of Legends gameplay. It helps players gain vision and control over the map, allowing them to make informed decisions and avoid potential ganks or ambushes. There are several types of wards in the game, each with its unique use.

1) Sight Wards: These wards grant temporary vision to a specific area on the map. They are commonly used to watch out for enemy movements, protect objectives such as Dragon or Baron Nashor, and provide overall map control.

2) Vision Wards: Unlike sight wards, vision wards last indefinitely and can detect invisible units such as stealth champions or enemy wards. They are highly versatile and often used defensively in jungles or offensively during sieges.

3) Control Wards: Similar to vision wards but with additional benefits such as disabling enemy traps or other control effects (such as Teemo’s mushrooms). Control wards also block enemy ward placement in their vicinity.

4) Blue Trinket Ward: This type of ward allows players to scout further into the fog of war from a safe distance. It’s an excellent tool for checking bushes without risking face-checking them.

Overall, understanding the different types of wards available is crucial when it comes to improving your warding skills and ultimately winning games in League of Legends.

Types of wards

Warding strategies

Some effective warding strategies in League of Legends include:

1) Warding key objectives

Warding is an essential skill that every player needs to master in League of Legends. It helps you keep track of your enemies’ movements, prevent ganks, and secure objectives. However, it’s not enough to just place wards randomly around the map. To be effective at warding, you need to understand the key objectives that you’re trying to achieve.

Firstly, vision denial is a crucial objective in warding. By placing wards in strategic positions, you can deny your opponents vision and make it harder for them to execute their strategies. This includes preventing enemy junglers from invading your jungle or setting up ambushes.

Secondly, securing objectives is another important objective in warding. When playing as a team, it’s vital to have vision control over important areas such as dragon or Baron Nashor pit so that you can safely take these objectives without getting caught out by the enemy team.

2) Sweeping wards

Sweeping wards is a crucial skill in League of Legends that helps players gain vision control over key objectives and deny enemy vision. Sweeping lenses, also known as Oracle’s Lenses, can be purchased for 0 gold and have a cooldown of 90 seconds. These lenses reveal any invisible or hidden objects within their area of effect, including enemy wards.

To effectively sweep wards, it’s important to know where common ward placements are located and to use the lens strategically. Players should keep in mind that sweeping lenses reveal themselves when used, making them vulnerable to counter-attacks from enemies.

In addition to sweeping lenses, some champions have abilities that can reveal or disable enemy wards. For example, Lee Sin’s Sonic Wave/Q ability reveals hidden units and disables traps while Zyra’s Grasping Roots/E ability reveals nearby hidden units. Knowing which champions have these abilities can give players an advantage in clearing out enemy vision.

3) Vision on flanks

One important aspect of warding in League of Legends is having vision on the flanks. Flanks are the sides of the map where enemies can come from without being seen by your team’s main vision. It’s crucial to have wards placed strategically on these areas because it can prevent ganks, ambushes, and surprise attacks.

Having vision on the flanks also allows your team to make informed decisions when it comes to objectives such as Dragon and Baron Nashor. If you know that there are no enemies waiting on the flanks, it gives your team an opportunity to safely secure these objectives without worrying about getting caught off guard.

4) Ward synergy with champion abilities

Ward synergy with champion abilities is crucial in ensuring that your team has vision control over the map. By placing wards in strategic locations, you can keep track of enemy movements and objectives, allowing your team to make informed decisions about where to go next. However, it’s also important to consider how your champion’s abilities can be used in conjunction with warding.

For example, champions like Lee Sin and Jax have gap-closing abilities that allow them to jump over walls. By placing wards strategically on the other side of a wall, these champions can use their abilities to quickly engage or escape from enemies. Additionally, champions like Teemo and Zyra can use their plant-based abilities to create areas of vision denial around objectives such as Baron or Dragon.

How To Get Better At Warding League of Legends

Players should also keep in mind the importance of backing up their support while they’re placing wards, avoiding face-checking bushes without proper knowledge of enemy positioning, and utilizing alternative methods like traps or minions for vision when necessary. By implementing these strategies consistently, players can gain a significant advantage over their opponents by having better map awareness and control over objectives.

Top warding spots for each role

Top warding spots are essential for every role in League of Legends. Proper vision control can provide a huge advantage to your team and help you avoid getting caught out by enemy champions. As a top laner, it’s important to ward the river bush and the tribush near Baron pit. This will give you early warning when enemies are approaching or attempting to take objectives.

For mid laners, wards should be placed in strategic locations such as the side bushes or the river entrance towards dragon pit. These spots will allow you to see any incoming ganks from either direction while also keeping an eye on potential roams from the enemy mid laner.

As an ADC, it’s important to keep vision of your own jungle entrances and around objectives like dragon and Baron. This helps prevent enemy junglers from sneaking up on you during farming sessions or while taking objectives with your team.

Tips for effective ward placement

1) Effective ward placement begins with understanding where and how your enemies move on the map. Identify key choke points, objectives and areas of high activity to determine which locations require more wards.

2) Your primary goal as a player is to protect your team’s vision while denying it from the enemy team. So when placing wards, think objectively about what you need and not just what is convenient for you.

3) Always use trinket wards whenever possible as they have a shorter cooldown than regular ones and can be refilled easily after each recall or death.

4) Placing wards too close to your base gives little information about enemy movements and may not be effective in preventing ganks or invasions. Instead, ward deep into enemy territory to gain insight into their plans and movements.

5) Knowing respawn timers for neutral objectives like dragons, barons, or rift heralds can help plan ward placements around these objectives at crucial intervals.

6) Warding is a group effort that requires all members of the team to contribute towards ensuring maximum vision control across different sections of the map.

7) Keeping up constant vision requires frequent replenishment of wards throughout the game, so always try to maintain adequate supplies by purchasing new items or collecting them from dead enemies’ bodies.


In conclusion, improved warding has a significant impact on gameplay in League of Legends. With proper vision control, players can avoid getting caught off-guard and secure objectives such as dragon and baron. It also provides the opportunity for better rotations and ganks, either to make a play or to prevent one from happening.

Moreover, with proper ward placement and timing, players can track enemy movements and anticipate their strategies, making it easier to make informed decisions during team fights or objective contests.

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