Write For Us

Write for us

We at GameonShout allow our readers to write for us gaming blogs on our website. This is a great opportunity to showcase your experience and knowledge to the people working in the area of gaming. We all know that gaming is becoming popular day by day.

 We also provide writers with the opportunity to get feedback from our editorial team. In addition, writing for us can help build your portfolio and improve your writing skills.

How to Submit Guest Posts?

To submit the guest post please share the word document or word doc file link to our email:

Guest Post Submission Guidelines

We only accept relavant and quality guest posts

Guest posting is a great way to increase traffic and visibility for your website. By allowing other websites to feature your content, you can attract new readers and followers who may not have discovered you otherwise. There are many benefits to guest posting, including increased web traffic, greater reach and exposure, and growing your website’s authority. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been blogging for years, guest posting is an essential part of online marketing.

Gaming Guest Posting Guidelines:

Word Count

Ensure that the article length is a minimum of 1000 words.


Ensure that the content is unique and relevant.


You can include a maximum of 1 link in the article.

Headings and Sub Headings

Provide a proper heading, subheading, and images.

Author Details

Provide author bio and headshot pic.


Please relevant images in the blog and for featured image.

What blog topics we like most?

Game Review

Mobile Games

Board Games

Cloud Gaming

Tips and Tricks

Game Development

PC Games

VR games


arcade games

Examples of Accepted Guest Posts

Check out the sample post we like you should write. You can also share a list of blog topics and our team will review and suggest the final blog topic. 

Where to send Guest Posts?

To submit guest post, please reach out to us on following email id:-